Constraints on the timing of systems tract development with
respect to sixth-order (41 ka) sea-level changes: an example from the
Pleistocene Omma Formation,
middle part of the Omma Formation exposed along the
Sixth-order cyclothems of the Omma Formation include the following architectural elements in ascending stratigraphic order: (1) a basal sequence boundary that is superposed on the ravinement surface; (2) a TST (2-5 m thick) consisting of a basal shell bed (0.3 m thick) (a condensed onlap shellbed) and overlying fine- to very-fine-grained sandstone; (3) a maximum flooding horizon that coincides with the horizon that has the maximum concentration of sand-size carbonate grains; (4) an HST (2-3 m thick) consisting of fine-grained sandstone and sandy siltstone; and (5) an RST (< 1 m thick) comprising fine-grained sandstone with a coarsening-upward trend.